Kriya Level 3

Level 3: Hridaya Vigyan

Hridaya Vigyan means “knowledge from the core of the heart,” and in this module we will be combining the practices of heart magnetism and grounding earth connections in order to stabilize the surges of Maha Prana and Kundalini that are flowing through you.

We will also be looking beyond the body at the 7 chakras above the head. Our experience will culminate with the practice of increasing auric field magnetism and creating a protective shield with it through the practice of Vajra Kavacha, the Diamond Armor Kriya.

In our exploration of the heart center, we will discover that NadaYoga (the science of sound) techniques are an invaluable tool for opening and connecting. We will use music,mantras, chants, and the nerunstruck sound of Anahata Nada to bring about deeper knowledge and understanding.

What You Will Learn:

  • New Kriyas for the Heart
  • Magnetism and Expansion
  • Auric Field Clearing
  • Nada Yoga Theory
  • Chanting Practice
  • Active Listening
  • Heart-Brain Coherence
  • Assemblage Point